Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Website Evaluation

St. Josephs Hawks Official Athletic Site

When evaluating a website there are four main elements you need to look for. When creating my website evaluation I broke it down the four separate categories into design, content, technical elements and credibility. The four elements were further broken down into minor categories that are needed to have a good website.
            I evaluated the St. Josephs University Official Athletic Site and overall I think it was a great site. The layout was simple to use and at ease of finding everything I wanted to was great. Being a big time division 1 school with a huge following of their athletic teams I thought this was important for them. Everyone that I know of who has had experience with the site has nothing but good things to say about it. One thing I would change is the placement of their advertising because it’s the first thing you see when you go to the website and that takes away from the University’s athletic program. 

Link to the PDF of my Web Site Evaluation.

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